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What Happens When You Open Your Mouth? Featured

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“When you open your mouth you let the world know who you are.” Les Brown

Don’t we all wish for perfection?  Wouldn’t it be amazing if every time we opened our mouth a kind or witty saying would spring forth and people would think we were just the nicest, brightest, sweetest person they ever knew?

Well, here we are back to reality and to my knowledge there has only been one Mother Teresa. It does not mean that we do not benefit from striving to do better each day.  In fact when we wake up each morning that is exactly what we should do.  We should STRIVE to be the best we can be.

Working at a goal doesn’t mean that we will achieve that goal in 24 hours.  It may take longer. A week.  A month. A year.  Who knows how long it will take?  The point is that you want to actively STRIVE to be better when dealing with your circumstances.  Actually you want to work at being better every day.

So remember this:  Whatever we say, that is what we are.  That is what people hear.  You are basically affirming to the world who you are- by what you say. 

Family members, co-workers, neighbors, your dog or cat, I don’t care who it is, look to you for your wisdom and caring.  They do not look for nor want to listen to negative comments, and develop a negative feeling about you!

Don’t give people anything less than your best.  You do not need to resort to negative comments.  That’s too easy.  Learning to change what comes out of your mouth - priceless!

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Read 2458 times Last modified on %PM, %23 %792 %2013 %14:%Sep