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The Most Powerful Relationship You Will Ever Have Featured

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Do you have a relationship with yourself? What does that mean? Do you know what you think? Are you clear in your own mind where you draw the line between right and wrong? Do you stand up for what you believe is right?

At the core of our confidence are the beliefs that we hold true. Those beliefs should lead you down productive pathways and challenge you to be the best you can be.

If you are not finding yourself making progress or you are not happy with the way your life is going, take some time to re-evaluate how you are spending your time each day. Are you choosing to surround yourself with family members and friends that build you up and encourage you to make your dreams a reality? If not…you need to find some new family members and friends to spend time with.

You have the power. When problems and challenges surround you, it is the relationship you have with yourself that pulls you through. You have to be your biggest cheerleader. You have to believe that you have what it takes to live your best life. Never underestimate yourself. Believe in yourself. You are amazing. “Now let’s get going.” xo Sally

Read 1885 times Last modified on %PM, %03 %998 %2014 %18:%Sep