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Speak For Yourself Featured

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At home or at work we are around all types of people. At work we usually try diligently to get along with each other. You spend a great deal of time working each day, sometimes more time than you spend with your family.It’s important to learn those skills that make good team members.


One of the things we don’t want to do is speak on another person’s behalf, unless that person is not able to speak for themselves. People with stronger personalities tend to create the atmosphere and get the attention.


What we want to remember is that everyone has something to offer, and we need to hear their comments and suggestions if we are going to function as a strong team.


Families are teams. Co-workers are teams. There are teams all around us. One of my daughter’s favorite lines is “it takes teamwork to make a dream work,” and I think it is so true.


The important thing to remember here is that any group of people working on a goal can be considered a team. Everyone on the team has an opinion and should be heard, if you want to remain focused and cohesive.


So if you tend to be the “quiet one,” and decisions get made that you struggle with, SPEAK UP! Do not let people think you agree with them or talk for you, if you are not on board with the plan.


Believe what you have to offer is important, because it is. You may share a thought or a concern that others are thinking as well. Start slowly, and work up the courage to continue to share your thoughts.


You have what it takes. You have great ideas. Start to share them with others. Don’t let someone speak for you, and be wrong! You know what you think! Work on building that skill!  “Now, let’s get going!”  xo Sally

Read 1903 times Last modified on %AM, %25 %503 %2013 %07:%Sep