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April is Parkinsons Disease Awareness Month Featured

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Since April is Parkinsons Disease Awareness Month, I wanted to extend my heartfelt blessings to all of you who are dealing with the challenges of this disease.  To the caregivers, I know that you are living this disease daily.  Your assistance is invaluable.

 Whether you are the patient, caregiver or family member, you need to believe that you are not only an important part of the team, you need to continue to be your own advocate, as tiring as it is.

 Here are a few reminders about medications, that are important to review:

1.  Keep good records of the medications you are currently using as well as the ones that have been used in the past, and the ones that didn't work.  There are forms on the web site to organize your medications.  If you had a bad side effect from a medication, write it down.  Remind your medical professionals about it, because they may not remember.

2.  Keep a current medication list in the glove compartment in your car.

3.  Keep track of whether your medications are working or if they are not.  By that I mean after you take your medication, how long does it take for you to feel like it is working?  When does it wear off?  All of that is important information for your doctor.  If you are taking a form of Carbidopa/Levodopa (generic, brand, or in Stalevo or Rytary), you should be able to tell a difference in your ability to move about approximately 45 minutes after you take your medication.  If you think that the medication you are taking for your Parkinsons' symptoms does nothing, then you need to make sure your doctor knows that.  If you do not think your doctor is paying attention to you, get another opinion.

Be an advocate for answers.  Do not settle for mediocrity.  Let us know if you are having these problems or concerns, and we can guide you to get more answers!  Always believe that you are worth it! xo Sally

Read 5831 times Last modified on %PM, %26 %093 %2015 %21:%Apr